The Camex user guide.

The Camex main window consists of three resizable subwindows.

Camex main window

- The top left one is a control window.
- Top right one is a lightweight browser to show documents.
- The bottom one is a console.

- To view the addon, choose menu Addons->...

- To run the addon, press the button "Run...".

- To stop runnig the addon, press the button "Stop".

- To restart the kernel, press the button "Restart kernel...".

- To clear the console, press the button "Clear console".

- To choose the graphics backend, select the desired value in the combobox "Choose plotting backend".

The "inline" option gives plots inlined in the console, which are not resizable.
The "qt5" option gives highly customsizable plots in a separate windows.

To adjust the input parameters for the current example, set the parameter value in the Control window.

- To save the inline plot, right-click it with the mouse and choose item "Save Image As...".

- To save the console output as html, right-click it with the mouse and choose item "Save as HTML/XML".

- To view this user guide in Camex, choose menu item "Help"->"User guide".